Saturday, 6 December 2014

B.Sc. Three Year Degree Course Syllabus (2006 onwards)

B.Sc. Three Year Degree Course Syllabus (2006 onwards)

I Semester B.Sc.

Paper I: Physical Geology and Crystallography   60Hours

Physical Geology     45 hrs
Introduction: Definition, Aim and Scope of Geology, relationship with other branches of science, branches of Geology.     1 hr
Planet Earth: Forms and Dimension of the Earth and its position in solar system. 1 hr
Origin of Earth: Nebular, Planetesimal, tidal twin star & meteoritic hypothesis. 3hrs
Age of the Earth: Radimetric methods [Rb-Sr, U-Pb, Sm-Nd, Pb-Pb]. 2 hrs.
Interior of the Earth: Crust, Mantle and Core, their composition based on Seismic evidences.
Concept of Isostasy. 1 hr
Epigenic Processes:
Weathering: Definition, Types-Mechanical, Chemical and Biological weathering products.
Soil and soil profile 1hrs
Wind: Definition, Geological action a) Erosion-Deflation, Abrasion, Attrition.
b) Geomorphic (Eros ional) features-pedestal rocks, ventifacts. Mode of transportation- suspension, salutation, traction. Depositional features-Loess, San dunes, Barchans. 5hrs
Rivers: Definition, stages of rivers (youth mature and old) Geological action of rivers- Erosion-Hydraulic action, Abrasion, Attrition, Corrosion. Eros ional features-Pot holes, ‘V’ shaped valleys, waterfalls, meanders, OX-bow lakes, Canyons Gorges. Transportation – Suspension, Saltation, solution. Depositional features-Alluvial fans and cones, Deltas, Flood plains, Natural Levees. 5hrs
Oceans: Definition, topography of seafloor, Zones-Littoral, Continental shelf,  Continental slope, and Abyssal. Movement of Sea water-Tides, waves, currents. Geological work of Oceans-Erosion, Transportation, and  Deposition. Features of Marine erosion and Deposition. Coral reefs- Definition, Formation and origin, Types-Fringing reef, Barrier reef and Atolls.
Glaciers: Introduction, Definition, Glacial morphology, types of glaciers Ice sheets, Piedmont glaciers. Geological work of glaciers-Erosion, Transportation and Deposition, Glacial erosion plucking, Abrasion, frost wedging. Glacial Eros ional feature-Cirques, ;U’ shaped valleys, hanging valleys. Transportation, glacial deposit-Moraines, Eskers, Kames buried valleys, Tilltes. 5hrs.
Ground Water: Geological action of Ground water, Erosional features – sinks, caverns, solution valleys, Transportation- solution depositional features- Concretions, stalactites and Stalagmites.
Hypogenic Processes:
Volcanoes: Definition, Description of typical volcano, classification-central, fissure, active, dormant, extinct. Products of volcanoes-solid, liquid, gases; hot springs, Geysers, fumaroles. Distribution and causes of volcanoes.                                                                                   3hrs
 Earthquakes: Definition, Focus, Epicenter, distribution. Causes and effects, Classification, seismic waves-P,S and L. Seismograph and Seismograms, Richter scale, Recent Earth quakes in India. 5hrs
Introduction, Definition, relation with other branches of science, Branches of Mineralogy. a) Crystallography, b) Physical Mineralogy, c) Chemical Mineralogy, d)Optical Mineralogy, e) Descriptive Mineralogy. 1hrs
Crystallography: Introduction, Formation-Crystals, Crystalline and Amorphous. Definition of crystal and crystal elements, law of Constancy of interfacial angle, contact Goniometer, Measurement of interfacial angle Crystallographic axes- Definition, Axial characters (constants). Classification of crystals into 6 systems. Symmetry elements-Centre, Plane, Axis and Composite symmetry. 5hr
Classification of crystals based on Symmetry elements, Nomenclature of Symmetry classes, Dana, Ford, Weiss notation, Miller’s indices. 2hrs
Forms –Unit, Fixed, variable, closed, open, and general. 1hrs
Study of the following symmetry classes with their forms
i)4/m-3 2/m,- Galena Type, ii) 4/m 2/m 2/m-Zircon type, iii)6/m 2/m 2/m-Beryl type, iv) 2/m 2/m 2/m-Barite type, v02/m Gypsum type, vi)1- Wollastonite type. 5hrs
Twins – Definition, parts, types and twin laws 1hrs

PRACTICALS: Paper I: Crystallography and Geomorphology 16hrs

Crystallography: Verification of Euler’s formula, Interfacial angle & its Measurements. Notations: Miller’s Indices, Weiss notation. Classification of Crystals into Systems based on their axial characters. Study of symmetry elements and forms of Isometric, Tetragonal, Hexagonal, Orthorhombic, Monoclinic and Triclinic systems. 10hr
Twins 1hrs
Geomorphology: Study of important Geomorphologic Models. 5hrs
1. Principles of Physical Geology- Arther Holmes, 1993, Chaman and Hall, London 2. Principles of Geomorphology-W.D. Thorn Bury, 1985, Wiley Eastern 3. Study in Applied Geomorphology - Hemalatha Singh, 1991, Anupama Publication 4. Text book of Mineralogy- Dana, 196, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 5. An Introduction to Crystallography-F.C. Phillips, 1963, John Wiley and Sons. 6. Elements of Crystallography- Tareen, J.A. and Kutti, TRN 1980, University press.

II Semester B.Sc.

Paper II: Geodynamics and Mineralogy

Geodynamics:    Hours 60
Introduction, Continental Drift, evidences, and sea floor spreading, hot spots. 15hrs
Plate Tectonics: Evaluation of plate-tectonics theory, plates and their margins, constructive and destructive margins, Plate boundaries- Divergent, Convergent and Transform fault, causes of movements of plates, origin, distribution and significance of mid oceans ridges, trenches and island arcs. Plea-magnetism, Relation between progeny, magmanetism, metamorphism and metallogeny. Evolution of oceans and continents. 12hrs
Mineralogy: 30hrs
Introduction,  Definition, relationship with other branches of science. 1hrs
Physical mineralogy- Mineral definition, formation and broader classification of minerals. 2hrs
Properties of minerals:
i) Characters depending up on the state of aggregation-habit, form.
ii) Properties depending upon Cohesion, elasticity, cleavage, fracture, hardness and tenacity.
iii) Characters depending upon light-color, streak, luster, diaphaneity, play of colors, opalescence, luminescence, fluorescence, phosphorescence, tarnish and iridescence.
iv) Characters depending upon electricity-conductivity, pyre, piezo. Magnetism: Para, dial and Ferro- magnetism, thermo-electricity
v) Specific gravity and methods of determining specific gravity 7hrs.
Chemical mineralogy: Isomorphism, polymorphism, pseudo orphism. Chemical Bonding- Ionic, covalent, metallic, Vander walls bonding. 4hrs
Descriptive mineralogy:
i) Classification of minerals based on chemical composition and structure. 1hrs
ii) Silicates-Classification of silicates based on their structure-neso silicates, sore silicates, cycle silicates, ion silicates, phyllosilicates and tecto-silicates, 3hrs
iii) Study of the following groups of minerals: Olivine, Garnet, Pyroxene, Amphiboles, Mica, Quartz and Feldspar groups. 12hrs
Optical Mineralogy: 15hrs
Introduction, Nature, Transmission, reflection, refraction, refractive index, critical angle, total reflection, double refraction. 2hrs
Polarization of light, Polaroid’s, Nicolas prism 2hrs
Optical classification of Crystals 2hrs
Birefringence by Michael levy’s chart 2hrs
Pleochroism. 1hrs
Interference colors 2hrs
Extinction Angle, Twinning 2hrs
Optical Accessories-Mica plate, Gypsum plate and quartz wedge. 2hrs

Practical: Mineralogy and Optical mineralogy 16Parc

Identification of following minerals based on their physical properties 9prac
Oxides-Corundum Halides-Fluorite, halite, Carbonates-Calcite, Mangiest and Dolomite, Phosphate-Apatite, Sulphate-Beryl, Gypsum, Silicates-Nesosilicates-Olivine, Garnet, Andalusite, Kyanite, sillimantie, Staurolite.
Soroilicates - Epidote, Cyclosilicates-Barite, Tourmaline
a) Pyroxenes- Hypersthene, Augite. b) Amphibole- Actionlite, Tremolite and Hornblende. Pyrosilicates-Talc, Muscovite, biotite, lepidolite.
a) Quartz & its varities b) Feldspars-Microcline, orthoclase and plagiclas c) Zeolites - Natrolite, stilbite Optical Mineralogy: 1 Prac
Petrological Micriscope. 1 Prac
Determination of refraction and double refraction 1 Prac
Determination of relative refringence by Becke’s method and Kolk’s method. 1 Prac
Determination of vibration direction and sign of elongation. 1 Prac
Determination of Interference colors. 1 Prac
Determination of Pleochroism-Dichroism-Pleochroism. 1 Parc
Measurement of Extinction Angle. 1 Parc
1. Plate tectonics and crustal evalution – Candie, K.C. 197, Elservier Publications.
2. Manual of Mineralogy-Klein, C. and Hurbust, Jr. C.S 1993, John Wiley 3. Text book Mineralogy-Dana, 196, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 4. Rock forming Minerals-Deer, W.A Howie, Zussman, J., Long man 5. Optical Mineralogy-4th Edition, Kerr, 1977, McGraw Hill, Bock inc. NY

III Semester B.Sc

Paper-III: Petrology  60 hours

Petrology: Introduction, definition of rock, relationship with other branches of Geology  1hr
Classification of rocks –Igneous, sedimentary & Metamorphic         2 hrs
Igneous Rocks-Introduction, forms of igneous rocks-Extrusive and Intrusive. Concordant:- Sill, Laccoliths, and Phacolith and Discordant:- Dyke, Ring Dyke, cone sheets, volcanic neck, batholiths, stock and boss 5hrs
Structures:- Vesicular, Amygdaloidal, blocky, ropy, pillow, columnar. 2hrs
Textures:- Significance of textures, factors determining textures, types of textures- equigranular:- Pan idiomorphic, hypidiomorphic and allotriomorphic. Inequigranular;- Prophetic, policlinic, ophitic, basaltic, intergrowth, flow textures. 5hrs.
Classification: Basis of classification – Chemical, Mineralogical , Textural and Tabular classification of Tyrrel. 4hrs
Important rock types: Granite, Granodiorite, Diorite, Gabbro, Peridotite, Dunite, Syenite, Dolorite, Porphories, Pegmatitie, Basalt, Andesite, Rhyolite and Kimberlites. 3hrs
Pathogenesis: Introduction, Concept of system, Chemical potential and phase rule. 3hrs.
Magma, generation of magma in mantle and crust, physical properties of magma temperature, pressure and viscosity, composition of magma and lava            4 hrs
Crystallization of magma- Uni-component and binary system. Bowen’s reaction principle. 1hrs
Differentiation and assimilation. 2hrs
Sedimentary petrology: Sedimentary rock: sedimentation-weathering, transpiration, lithification and digenesis. 2hrs
Structures of sedimentary rocks-stratification, lamination, ripple marks, current bedding, graded bedding, sun cracks, rain prints. 2 hrs
Textures of sedimentary rocks: size and shape of the grains and cementing material.          2 hrs
Classification based on mode of formation-residual, mechanical, chemical and Organic. 2hrs
Based on grain size: Rudaceous, Areaceous, argillaceous. 2 hrs
Important rock types: Clastic sediments-Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandtone, Graywake, Shales.
Metamorphic rocks:
Metamorphism, agents of metamorphism-temperature, pressure and chemically active fluids, Process of Metamorphism 2hrs
Kinds of metamorphism-Cataclstic, thermal, dynamo-thermal metamorphism. 2hrs
Concept of grades, Facies and zones. 2hrs
 Fabric of metamorphic rocks-cataclysmic, maculae, schistose, granulose, gneissose, Granolithic, porphyroblastic, relict.           3hrs
Thermal metamorphism, metamorphic aureole, effects of thermal metamorphism on argillaceous rocks and calcareous rocks. 4hrs
Important rock types: Gneiss, Schist, Slate, Marble, Quartzite, Amphibolites and Chromites 3h

PRACTICALS: Paper III: petrology        16 Practicals

Microscopic identification of Minerals
Study of optical properties of the following rock forming minerals-quarz, orthoclase, plagioclase, microcline, biotitic mica, hornblende, agate, hypersthenes, Calcite, olivine, garnet, actinolite, illuminate, kyanite, tourmaline. 3 Pract
Megascopic Identification of rocks
Igneous rocks- Granite, syenite, diorite, gabbros, peridotite, dunite. Porphyries, pegmatite’s, Dolerites, royalties, tactile, andesine, and basalt.                                                               4 Pract
Sedimentary rocks: Sand stone, shale, grit, conglomerate, breccias, limestone                  2 Pract
Metamorphic rocks: Quartzite, Marble, Schist, gneiss, slate, charnockites                        2 Pract
Microscopic identification of rocks: Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks as listed above      5 Pract
1. Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology-Turner. W & Verchoogen. J, 1970, McGrill Hill 2. Igneous Petrology-T.F.W Barth-1962, John Wiley and Sons 3. Metamorphic Petrology-Bashkar Rao, 1985, Oxford and IBH, 4. Sedimentary Petrology-petijohn, 3rd edition, 1986, 

IV Semester B.Sc

Paper IV: Paleontology and Stratigraphy          60 Hrs

Paleontology:          30 Hrs
Introduction of paleontology: Relationship with other branches of geology 1hrs
Classification of life: Plants and Animals – Vertebrates and invertebrates- Phylum, Class, order, genera and species 1hrs
Definition of fossil, Fossilization- Factors-(conditions) for the preservation of fossils. Mode of fossilization-unaltered soft parts(Mummification)-unaltered hard parts, altered pared parts:- Carbonization, petrifaction, Traces of fossils-cast, mould, tracks and trails, coprolites 4hrs
Types of fossils: Index fossil, Zone fossial, Remine fossil, Derived fossils, Synthetic Fossil, persistant fossil, Extinct fossils and Living fossils-utility of fossils. 2hrs
General classification, morphological characters, distribution and geological history of he following groups.
i. Graptozoa-Graptolites, Mono graptus and Diplograptus.
ii. Foraminifera iii. Coelentrata- Corals- Development of Septa in rugose corals. iv. Brachiopod- Description of typical shell of a Brachiopod types of hinge line, Classification, - Inarticulate and articulate v. Mollusca: a) Gastropoda-Types of coiling b) Cephalopodan- Classification- Nautiloidia, Ammonoidiea- development of suture lines in ammonidiea vi. Pelecypoda- Dentition vii. Arthropod a- Trilobites viii. Echinodermata.        18 hrs. General Methods of fossilization of plant fossils-Morphological characters, description and range in time of the following fossils-Liriodendron, Climates, galleria, glossopteris, gangamopteris, ptilophylum cordites, lithotripsy. 2 hrs.
Biological evolution throuth time: 2 hrs
B. Stratigraphy:
Principles of Staratigraphy          10 hrs
Introduction, law of catastrophist, law of uniformatarianism, law of order of superposition.1hrs
Nature of geological record, imperfection geological record, geological clock, tom taxis, contemporaneity 2hrs
Correlation- types of correlation, criteria for Stratigraphic correlation- litho logical, structural, metamorphic, speleological and geochronological. 2 hrs.
Standard geological time scale 1 hrs
Classification of geological record in to six eras, a general account of individual era with regard to their nomenclature, distribution, litho logy, classification, climate and fossil records.
2. Indian Stratigraphy         20 hrs
Physiographic divisions of India and its relationship with geologic distribution                  1 hrs
Achaean and Protrusion Formations of Peninsular India-distribution and Classification with reference to Karnataka. Sager Group, Dharwar Super group. 2 hrs.
Proterozoci: distribution, classification and economic importance of Cuddapah System and Kaladgis, Vindhyan system and Bhima Series, Kurnool System 4 hrs
Paleozoic Group: Paleozoic rocks of the Spite 1 hrs
Gondwana group: Classification, lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and economic importance
Mesozoic: i) Triassic of Spiti ii) Jurassic of Kuchch iii) Creataceous of Trichinapoly        3hrs
Deccan traps: Distribution, litho logy & biostratigraphy, classification, Intertrappeans, Intratrappeans, Infratrappeans, Bhag beds and lomenta beds, Age of Deccan traps, Economic important of Deccan traps 4hrs
Siwaliks-litholagy, distributions, classification, life and age 2 hrs

Paper IV: Paleontology and Stratigraphy 16 Practical

Drawing , labeling, description, identification, classification with geological age of the following invertebrate and plant fossil Graptolite, monograptus, diplograptus                  1 Pract
Corals Favorites, Halysites, Lithostrotion, Calceolate, Montlivotia and Zaphrantis.         1 Pract
Brachipoda-Terebratula, Products, Lingual, Or this, Atria, Purifier, Rhychonella             2 Pract
Pelecypoda Lima, Trigonia, Pectin, Hippocrates, graphed, Cordite         1 Pract
Cephalopodan-Ammonite, Orthoceras, Nautilus, Gaieties, Cordite, Accenthoceras, Hamites, Bakelite, Scaphites, Belemnites        2 Pract
Gastropod Natick, Torricelli’s, Volute, Conus, Cretinism and Phase        1 Pract
Echinoderamata-Cidaris, McMaster, Hemi aster, Encrinus and Pentrimits        1 Parct
Trilobites-Calamine, Para oxide, Tremulous, Olinellus and pharos        1 Parct
Plant fossils Lepidodendrom, Calamites, Sigil aria, Glossopteris, Gangmgopteris, Ptilophyllum, Car dates, Alethopteris       2 Pract
Preparation & study of Stratigraphic maps.      4 Pract
Reference Books:       4 Pract
1. Paleontology invertebrate- H. Woods, 8th edition CBS Publication 2. Invertebrate Paleontology and Evolution- 4th edition, Clarkson ENK, 1998 Black well Publication. 3. Principles of Stratigraphy- Dunbar C.O. 1957, John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 4. Geology of India D.N. Wadia, 1976, TATA McGraw Hill Publications 5. Geology of India and Burma- M.S. Krishnan, 1982, CBS Publications 6. Hand book of geology of Mysore State – B. Rama Rao, 1962 Bangalore Printing and Publications 7. Invertibrate fossils-Moore R.C. Lalkar, C.G. Fischer, A.G 1952, McGraw Hill book company. 8. Principles of Stratigraphy, Raup and Stanley, S.SM. 1971, Frecmand and Company, Toppan and Co. Ltd. 

V Semester B.Sc

Paper-V Mineral Resources and Structural Geology                                                 48 hours

A: Mineral Resources: 16 hours
1: Ore genesis Introduction Economic geology in relation to industry, commerce and national conomy. 1 hr.
Principles of mineral economics essential, strategic and critical minerals, ore minerals, gangue minerals, tenor of ore. 2 hrs.
Principle and process of ore formation:
Magmatic process 1 hr
1) Sublimation 1 hr
2) Contact metasomatism 1 hrs
3) Hydrothermal process a) Cavity filling deposits and b) Replacement deposits     2 hrs
4) Weathering: a) residula and b) mechanical concentrations 1 hrs
5) Sedimentation 1 hrs
6) Evaporation 1hrs
7) Oxidation and super gene sapphire enrichment 1 hrs
8) Metamorphism
9) Pegmatite deposits 1 hrs
10) Classifications of are deposits-Niggli 1 hrs
11) Metallogenic epochs and provinces 1 hrs
2. Economic mineral deposits 16 hours
Study of the following mineral deposits of India with special reference to Karnataka, in regard to their mineralogy, origin, occurrence and distribution.
I. Metallic deposits:- gold, copper, iron, manganese, chromium, aluminum, lead and zinc 6hrs
II. Non-metallic deposits: mica, abrasives, refractor is ceramics, building and ornamental stones, fertilizers and cement. 6hrs
III. Energy resources: i) fossils flues, coal & petroleum’s ii) atomic minerals. 4hrs.
B. Structural Geology:          16 hrs.
Introduction-relationship with branches of geology, Forces-tensional, shearing and compress ional, stress and strain                      1 hrs
Concept of rock deformation, Classification of structures, conformity, unconformity Types of unconformity- disconformities, non-conformity, Angular unconformity, Recognition and significance of unconformities. 2 hrs.
Attitudes of beds definition of dip and strike, description of compass clinometer and determination of dip and strike of beds. 2 hrs
Out crop: Definition, width of outcrop, thickness of bed, factors controlling the width of bed
Denudation structures: i) outlier and ii) Inliers 1 hrs
Secondary structures: Folds definition, parts of fold, types of fold, symmetrical, asymmetrical, anticline, syncline, anticlinorium’s, synclinorium, over turned fold, recumbent fold, fold, isoclinals fold, chevron fold, monocline and drag fold. 3hr
Joints: definition, terminology, dip and strike, joint plane, joint set, joint, system, block joint, master joint.
Classification: 1) Geometrical-dip, strike, oblique and bedding joints 2) Genetic classification-columnar, mural, sheet joints; significance of joints 2 hrs
Faults: definitions elements of faults, generic classification of faults-thrust fault, Over thrust, under thrust. Gravity faults-step fault, ridge fault, trough fault, Recognition of faults in field.3h
Foliation, Cleavage and Lineation- Definitions. 1hrs


PAPER-V: Mineral Resources and Structural Geology                                   16 Practical

Economic Geology: study and identification of the following minerals : Native copper, graphite, sulphur, chalcopyrite, azurite, malachite realgar, orpiment, cinnabar, stibnite, galena, sphalerite, pyrite hematite, magnetite, limonite, pyrolusite, psilomelane, bauxite and chromites. Coal and its verities, selected radio active minerals of their host rocks    4 Parct
Structural geology:
Exercises on structural geology problems:
Thickness problems: 3 types    2 Pract
Dip and strike problems:- 3 types   2 Pract
Stereographic projections of structural data   2 Pract
Drawing of sections and interpretation of horizontal series, inclined series, folded series, faulted series, unconformities and complex structural.   5 Pract
Tracing of outcrops  1 pract
1. Ore deposits- Par, Jr, C.F. and M.C Diarmid, 1980. 2. Indian Mineral Resources-S. Krishna Swamy, 1985, 3. Economic Mineral Deposits- A.M. Bateman, 1950, 2nd edition Asia Publications 4. Structural Geology: Billings M.P. 1972, Printics Hall, New jersey. 5. Modern Structural Geology, Vol. 1 & 2, Ramsay, J.G. Herber, jr. Academic press Ny. 6. Structure and Tectonics, -Badgley, P.C. 1965, Harper and Row NY. 7. Ore Deposits of India Gokhale & Rao, CBS Publication. V Semester B.Sc.

Paper-VI: Geo Exploration And Statistical Geology.                  48 hours

A: Geoexploration     38 hours
Introduction, Principles and methods of geoecploration- geological, geophysical and Geochemical. 3hrs
1. Geological explorations.
Introductions, guides to ores-physiographic, mineralogical, stratigraphic, litho logical and structural. 5hrs
2. Geophysical exploraton
Introduction, difintion, physical properties and rocks of minerals, physical fields, geophysical anomalies and applications.
1) Electrical methods-electrical methods and principles, receptivity, conductivity, receptivity of rocks and minerals. Prospecting for ground water-electrical receptivity method, Winner and Schlumberger methods VES curves, types of curves and curve matching techniques. 5 hrs.
2) Magnetic methods- Principles, magnetometers torsion – vertical force and horizontal force, air borne fluxgate magneto meter. 4 hrs
3) Gravity methods-gravitational force of the earth, warden gravimeter, gravity corrections- latitude, free air, bulgur, terrain, tidal           4 hrs
4) Seismic methods-types of seismic waves, principles of refractions and reflection techniques.
5) Radiometer methods- radioactivity of rcoks and minerals, instruments- G.M. Counter and scintillation counter 3 hrs
3. Geo chemical exploration- Basic principles, geochemical cycle and geochemical, litho geochemical mineral exploration, geo-botanical and biogeochemical exploration. 10hrs
B. Statistical Geology
Introduction to statistical geology. Determination of mean median, mode, standard deviation for grouped and ungrouped data Construction of frequency distribution tables and diagrams. Application of statistics in geological problems.         10 hrs

PRACTICAL VI: Geoexploration and statistical geology       16 Pract

Geophysical problems-seismic, magnetic, gravity anomalies. Electrical conductivity (receptivity).       6 Pract
Ground water exploration by receptivity method.       2 Pract
Interpretation of two layers and three layers resistively curves.       3 Pract
Statistical geology
Determination of mean, median, mode, standard deviation for grouped and un grouped data.2 Pract
Construction of frequency distribution tables, histograms       2 pract
Application statistics a in geological problems      1 Pract
Reference An outline method of geophysical prospecting-M.B. Ramachandra rao, 1975,
Prasaranga, University of Mysore.
Introduction to geophysical prospecting –Dobrin, 1981, Mc Graw Hill incp.
Statistical model in geology- Krumbin and Graybill, 1965.

VI Semester B.Sc

Paper –VII      Remote Sensing, Field Geology and Engineering Geology     48 hrs

Remote Sensing:     16 hrs
Aerial Remote Sensing:- Introduction to aerial remote sensing, types of aerial photography, Vertical , oblique. Geometry of aerial photographs 2 hrs
Scale of aerial photography. 1 hr
Instruments of aerial photography-Stereoscopes-Pocket, Mirror and Prism 2 hr
Interpretation keys-tone, texture, shape, size and patterns. 2 hrs
Application of aerial photography in geological studies. 1hr
Satellite remote sensing:- Introduction, basic principle of satellite remote sensing. EMR, Platforms, Sensors, scanners, energy interaction with atmosphere, earth surface, rocks, minerals, water, soils and vegetation. 3hrs
Interpretation of satellite Images-visual and digital process. 1 hr
Applications of remote sensing techniques in mapping soil cover, forest, cover, surface water resources, valley fills, floor, Pedi planes, pediments, denudation hills, structural mounds, dykes, lineaments, inselbergs. 4 hrs
Field Geology:-
Introduction, field equipments, a brief note on taking geologic notes in the field collection of samples, numbering and making specimens. 2 hrs
The compass clinometers, Brunson compass, use of clinometers in the field. 2 hrs
Determination of dip and strike. 2 hrs
Study of top sheets and geological maps 2 hrs
Selection and preparation of base maps. ` 2 hrs
Plotting the geological features in the base map and sampling methods 4hrs
Preparation of geological reports. 2 hrs
Engineering Geology:-        16 hrs
Introduction, role of geology in the field of engineering. 1 hrs
Rock as material of construction, properties of rocks required for their selection of  building stones and road metals. Important building stones and road metals.                                      4 hrs
Dams and reservoirs: Types of dams, geotechnical considerations in selection of dam sites and reservoir sites. 4 hrs
Tunneling :- Types of tunnels, Geological considerations in tunneling 2 hrs
Environmental considerations in the location and construction of large dams; reservoirs and Tunnels. 3 hrs
Environmental considerations in the location and construction of large dams; reservoirs and Tunnels. 3 hrs
Bridges:- Geological considerations, stability of bridges, foundation of bridges. 2hrs.


Remote Sensing:
1. Stereoscopic vision test.        2 Parct
2. Visual Interpretation of Aerial photographs by using photographic elements- Tone, texture, size, shape and shadow.       2 Parct
3. Study of Aerial photographs-photo index, scale, air and eye base determination, Relief displacement.       2 Parct
4. Study and Interpretation of satellite imageries for geology, structures, drainage and geomorphology.       2 Parct
Field Geology:
Study of Toposheets-Controur, drainage, road and settlements      1 Parct
Preparation of base maps      1 Parct
Morph metric analysis from topographic maps.      2 Parct
Use of Clinometers and Brunson compass.     1 Parct
Field Mapping- visit to field for collection of ground data- Location, measurements of dip & strike of different litho units & preparation of the thematic maps.      3 Parct
Field trip: Field trip for minimum of three days, and submission of field report by students is compulsory.
Principles and applications of photo geology- Shiv N. Pondy, 1987, Wiley Eastern Limited
Remote sensing of the environment an earth resource and prospective- John, R. Resen, 2000, Pearson Education series.
Remote sensing in geology- Ravi P Gupta, II edition 2005, Springer, New Delhi.
Remote sensing and Image Interpretation- T.M. Lilies and R.W. Kiefer, 2000, John Wiley and sons, New York.

PAPER-VIII: Hydrogeology and mining Geology                                                    48 hours

A) Hydro-Geology: 30 hours
Introduction-Hydrological cycle, precipitation, evapotranspiration, run, off, infiltration soil moisture storage. Aquifer, aquiclude, aquitard, aquifuge. 3 hrs
Types of aquifers and their chrematistics confined, unconfined, perched, coastal aquifers, leaky aquifers. 3 hrs
Water budget and ground water resource estimation 4 hrs
Occurrence, distribution and movement of ground water 2 hrs
Vertical distribution of ground water-zone of aeration, water table, zone of saturation  2 hrs
Water table fluctuations- springs and artesian wells. 1 hr
 Hydrological properties. Of rocks:- porosity, permeability, specific yield, specific retention, transmissibility, storage co-efficient. 5 hrs
Artificial recharge to ground water- Rain water harvesting. Roof top rain water harvesting. 3hrs
Concept of watershed development and management 3 hrs
Physical and Chemical quality of water: Chemical quality of ground water introduction, chemical  quality, spatial variation of different ions –Ca, Mg, Na, K, S. Chlorides, Nitrates, carbonates, bi-carbonates, fluorides, silicon oxides total dissolved solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), pH, EC. Turbidity, BOD, COD          4 hrs
B) Mining Geology:-       18 hours
Introduction to mining      1 hrs
Methods of mining, surface and sub surface mining 3 hrs
Surface mining- alluvial and open cast/pit mining and related equipment 3 hrs
Sub surface mining-Stopping and cavity methods, mine safety, mine ventilation.               3 hrs
Mining of metalliferous deposits 2 hrs
Ore reserve estimation – grade, tonnage and their relationship 4 hrs
Impact of mining on environment and human health 2hrs


I. Hydrogelogical problems- estimation of annual rainfall by Tension and polygon methods 2 Parct Water budget calculations                   1 Parct Determinatio of potential evaporanspiration by Thronth waite method          2 Pract
Determination of specific capacity and specific yield of the open wells        2 Pract
Ground water exploration by using resistivity meter and curves matching.        2 Prct
II. Chemical analysis of water       2 Parct
III. Graphical representation of water quality       2 Prat
IV. Ore reserve estimation problems       3 Parct
Books for Reference:
1. Ground water Hydrology- Todd. D,K. 1980, John Wiley Publications. 2. Hydrology-S.N. Davies & R.J.M Dewiest, 1966, John Wiley Publications. 3. Ground water hydrology-Raghunth. H.M. 1982, Wiley Easten 4. Ground water assessment, development and management- Karthik. K.R. 1987, Tata McGraw Hill. 

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